Thursday, September 23, 2010

"Weekly Themed Quilt Contest" ...please vote for me

Yahoo!  My stained glass angel quilt qualified for the "Weekly Themed Quilt Contest".  This week I entered my Stained Glass Angel Quilt.  PLEASE check the other entries here:

...remember I would appreciate a VOTE...thank you.



Wednesday, September 22, 2010

HEAVEN - as written by a 17 Year Old Boy

Heaven as written by a 17 Year Old Boy

This is excellent and really gets you thinking about what will happen in Heaven.

17-year-old Brian Moore had only a short time to write something for a class. The subject was what Heaven was like.. "I wowed 'em," he later told his father, Bruce. It's a killer. It's the bomb. It's the best thing I ever wrote." It also was the last.

Brian's parents had forgotten about the essay when a cousin found it while cleaning out the teenager's locker at Teays Valley High School in Pickaway County

Brian had been dead only hours, but his parents desperately wanted every piece of his life near them, notes from classmates and teachers, and his homework. Only two months before, he had handwritten the essay about encountering Jesus in a file room full of cards detailing every moment of the teen's life. But it was only after Brian's death that Beth and Bruce Moore realized that their son had described his view of heaven.

It makes such an impact that people want to share it. "You feel like you are there," Mr. Moore said. Brian Moore died May 27, 1997, the day after Memorial Day. He was driving home from a friend's house when his car went off Bulen-Pierce Road in Pickaway County and struck a utility pole. He emerged from the wreck unharmed but stepped on a downed power line and was electrocuted.

The Moore 's framed a copy of Brian's essay and hung it among the family portraits in the living room. "I think God used him to make a point. I think we were meant to find it and make something out of it," Mrs. Moore said of the essay. She and her husband want to share their son's vision of life after death. "I'm happy for Brian.. I know he's in heaven. I know I'll see him.
Here is Brian's essay entitled "The Room."

In that place between wakefulness and dreams, I found myself in the room. There were no distinguishing features except for the one wall covered with small index card files. They were like the ones in libraries that list titles by author or subject in alphabetical order. But these files, which stretched from floor to ceiling and seemingly endless in either direction, had very different headings.

As I drew near the wall of files, the first to catch my attention was one that read "Girls I have liked." I opened it and began flipping through the cards.. I quickly shut it, shocked to realize that I recognized the names written on each one. And then without being told, I knew exactly where I was. This lifeless room with its small files was a crude catalogue system for my life. Here were written the actions of my every moment, big and small, in a detail my memory couldn't match.. A sense of wonder and curiosity, coupled with horror, stirred within me as I began randomly opening files and exploring their content. Some brought joy and sweet memories; others a sense of shame and regret so intense that I would look over my shoulder to see if anyone was watching.

A file named "Friends" was next to one marked "Friends I have betrayed." The titles ranged from the mundane to the outright weird. "Books I Have Read," "Lies I Have Told," "Comfort I have Given," "Jokes I Have Laughed at." Some were almost hilarious in their exactness: "Things I've yelled at my brothers." Others I couldn't laugh at: "Things I Have Done in My Anger", "Things I Have Muttered Under My Breath at My Parents." I never ceased to be surprised by the contents. Often there were many more cards than expected. Sometimes fewer than I hoped. I was overwhelmed by the sheer volume of the life I had lived...Could it be possible that I had the time in my years to fill each of these thousands or even millions of cards? But each card confirmed this truth. Each was written in my own handwriting.. each signed with my signature. When I pulled out the file marked "TV Shows I have watched," I realized the files grew to contain their contents. The cards were packed tightly, and yet after two or three yards, I hadn't found the end of the file. I shut it, shamed, not so much by the quality of shows but more by the vast time I knew that file represented. When I came to a file marked "Lustful Thoughts," I felt a chill run through my body. I pulled the file out only an inch, not willing to test its size, and drew out a card. I shuddered at its detailed content. I felt sick to think that such a moment had been recorded. An almost animal rage broke on me. One thought dominated my mind: No one must ever see these cards! No one must ever see this room! I have to destroy them!" In insane frenzy I yanked the file out. Its size didn't matter now. I had to empty it and burn the cards.

But as I took it at one end and began pounding it on the floor, I could not dislodge a single card. I became desperate and pulled out a card, only to find it as strong as steel when I tried to tear it. Defeated and utterly helpless, I returned the file to its slot. Leaning my forehead against the wall, I let out a long, self-pitying sigh. And then I saw it. The title bore "People I Have Shared the Gospel with." The handle was brighter than those around it, newer, almost unused. I pulled on its handle and a small box not more than three inches long fell into my hands. I could count the cards it contained on one hand….and then the tears came…. I began to weep…. sobs so deep that they hurt. They started in my stomach and shook through me. I fell on my knees and cried. I cried out of shame, from the overwhelming shame of it all. The rows of file shelves swirled in my tear-filled eyes. No one must ever, ever know of this room. I must lock it up and hide the key. But then as I pushed away the tears, I saw Him.

No, please not Him... not here. Oh, anyone but Jesus. I watched helplessly as He began to open the files and read the cards. I couldn't bear to watch His response…. and in the moments I could bring myself to look at His face, I saw a sorrow deeper than my own. He seemed to intuitively go to the worst boxes. Why did He have to read every one? Finally He turned and looked at me from across the room. He looked at me with pity in His eyes. But this was a pity that didn't anger me. I dropped my head, covered my face with my hands and began to cry again. He walked over and put His arm around me. He could have said so many things, but He didn't say a word. He just cried with me.

Then He got up and walked back to the wall of files. Starting at one end of the room, He took out a file and, one by one, began to sign His name over mine on each card. "No!" I shouted rushing to Him. All I could find to say was "No, no," as I pulled the card from Him. His name shouldn't be on these cards. But there it was, written in red so rich, so dark, and so alive. The name of Jesus covered mine. It was written with His blood. He gently took the card back. He smiled a sad smile and began to sign the cards. I don't think I'll ever understand how He did it so quickly, but the next instant it seemed I heard Him close the last file and walk back to my side. He placed His hand on my shoulder and said, "It is finished."

I stood up, and He led me out of the room. There was no lock on its door. There were still cards to be written.
"For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16

Monday, September 13, 2010

I am getting excited to finish this top! This centre block measures 20 inches square before border is added...still selecting color! Then to add my outer blocks!

Tutorial here:

Saturday, August 28, 2010


It is Back to School time and I am posting this adorable pink puppy block I hand appliqued for my "A Tisket a Tasket Quilt".  I am very excited about this quilt as it is all quilted and I will post photos of finished quilt shortly.  I do have to add embellishments though as I did have several added beads, buttons and bows I removed before i sent to the quilter.  Perhaps I will have my quilt completed by next Saturday.  Please check back soon.


You must check out this MIRACLE VIDEO! It made my day.

Here is the Miracle Video.

After you view this video you may want to check the other Pink Saturday blogs featured there.

Have a wonderful day!

Sunday, August 22, 2010



I thought about posting for Pink Saturday but ended up helping Mom move into her new condo. But I have a photo of my pink lilies to share.

HAVE A WONDERFUL DAY EVERYONE. We will see you soon!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Pink Spider Roses for Pink Saturday

Today for Pink Saturday I am showing you these Spider Web silk ribbon embroidered roses (also known as the woven rose). This is the first item I embroidered using silk ribbon. It is such an easy technique. I also found a technique using perle cotton instead of silk ribbon for an entirely different look. I used these roses on a pin cushion.

Here is an excellent tutorial for you on making these quick and easy roses that make beautiful embellishments:



"As lovely as soft bits of fragile crinkled silk,
These rosy blossoms, clustered thick
Upon the heavy drooping boughs,
When shaken by a summer wind,
Drop down in swirling showers,
And drift awhile about the ground;
Then gathered into frothy heaps beneath the hedge,
They spread a frill of rosy lace around the green lawns edge."

~ Leda Clements, Crape Myrtle


Tuesday, August 10, 2010

My Love to Hand Applique

I never thought I would be sewing in the summer, especially machine sewing. However, if you are like me, I am wondering if all these hot flushes are due to the temperature or is it just me? Last summer I enjoyed both the weather and the outdoors atmosphere while I passionately stitched my different hand projects, however, recent temperatures have been in the three digits! I am not complaining as I would sooner be comfortably sewing in my air conditioned home than pulling weeds anyway!

Well, I never thought I would see the day, but would you believe the weather yesterday was even too hot for my DH, so I did not feel "guilty" when I resumed sewing my scrappy blocks for my Sister's Star project. I also sewed another block for the terrific Summer Star Quilt Along. What fun doing these free online quilt alongs! Bradie Sparrow who generously writes up the Summer Star tutorials is excellent in her photos and instructions! Thank you kindly Bradie. Yahoo!

2009 was a terrific year for renewing my love for hand work in completing my favorite project, A Tisket A Tasket quilt. Who couldn`t help but LOVE the wonderful patterns offered generously by Anne Sutton from Bunny Hill Designs. What a terrific and talented quilter and person! And I also love Anne`s blogs!
I always admire subjects other bloggers choose and today was quite a chore for me. However, I decided to post my latest hand applique block, my sixth block for the Flickr 2010 Tea and Coffee Related Quilt Along group. In designing my block, I had an idea to add a bird to this block as I did my first and second blocks, however I will have to think on this one. Because I enjoy adding embellishments to my work, this block is intended to be a wall hanging quilt. I plan to make four different season groupings, so please check back and I may have some further ideas in progress. My mind is always meditating different plans. In the meantime, I just enjoy the mood my sewing creates! I certainly find I am more productive behind my sewing machine or needle than my TV set. I also used to be an avid golfer, but I cannot imagine how distressing I would find this heat! Perhaps I am just getting too old!!!
Have a nice day everyone!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

ramblings of a quilter and Thank you to my new blog followers

Firstly, a BIG thank you to all my blog followers. Just want you to know I really appreciate you and am so happy to be 'growing'. I sincerely hope you visit my blog often. And I hope I will be able to have some interesting posts for you all.

I have read so many great blog posts lately. I literally had tears in my eyes reading one of the sad stories quilters share. I am going to first warn you that I feel I do better at sewing than writing. Oh I received high marks in school and passed grammar, however I feel writing is a gift which I don't have now...perhaps I would sooner to stitching!!!! I also used to love writing poetry, then discovered I now need to be inspired in order to have the words flow. There are many talented quilters who have more than one gift, that is they can write and excel at more than one activity!

Please hop over to read Ann Champion's thought provoking blog post to see her newly completed and awesome String Quilt. Ann, I envy you as you had over 47 comments in response to your story. And you had me in tears also as you shared your story with us. I hope your health issues will soon be remedied.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Some of you may know I also love using quotations in my blogging. I love this one for today:

"Quilts are memories patched together with love."

Quilters always seem to think alike, and stick together, don't we? When Ann shared her reasons for her passion of quilting, I felt I could relate to her reasons she quilts quite closely. Ann's blog really made me think. I was asking myself many questions, such as:

Q: Why do I love quilting?

Hmm...I find myself responding differently to this topic daily, depending on the way life is going! Sometimes I keep saying, I would sooner be golfing as I always dreamed that I would golf with my husband when I retired. However a health issue has intervened, and I no longer golf. Now I consider golfing is rather an expensive, no productive sport. Most days now I can hardly wait for my hubby to leave on his bike, so I can sew! Alas, he now does not feel up to cycling as regularly as he has a bad knee. I usually love to sit out in the gazebo and stitch however, this summer has not been weather friendly, that is too hot or raining. And it is ever so peaceful having your DH sitting next to you...contently reading his book.

Q: What do you enjoy about your hobby?

Q: Why in the world did I end up doing this?
I stitch and I ponder all these questions that come to mind. I become immersed in my hobby thoroughly. If I am not selecting colors or fabrics, I am tweaking those seams to improve my seam joins! When I am finished a certain project it is so rewarding to be able to see my completed work! (Well sometimes, I feel my work has the "I MADE IT" label, so it is tossed into the G...for garbage file or remember the 'don't give up, try again" phrase ). However, I think about the one Flickr member who shared her work on Flickr...thank you for posting that picture of your awesome work as you sincerely have motivated me to try sewing again!

Q: Do you even have time to perform your hobbies?
Perhaps the majority of you work and have no spare time for such activities. My mom always told me crafts and hobbies were for old women, but I guess I am an almost-old woman. I am so thankful to Mom for encouraging us sisters to attend 4-H when we were only in elementary school. I was raised in the country without home economic classes, therefore learned to sew, knit, crochet etc at 4-H. Thank you mom for all your encouragement along the way as I am able to enjoy doing all these projects today as I grow older and more wrinkly. hey, I wish I could iron out some of my wrinkles as I press out the fabric. Sewing is the only time my iron and ironing board is used! Oh, those four letter words are really abused neglected in my home: IRON, DUST, COOK and WASH!

My quilting also helped survive some family issues this past winter. I really felt I was at one of my lowest points in my life. For days I didn't do anything except sleep and cry so my puppy couldlick my tears, thus making me feel better. When i started to come out of this valley, and actually felt like doing something again, I don't know what I would have done if I couldn't sew!

I love to hand applique and seeing the first A Tisket A Tasket block on Flickr was my source of inspiration. Since I joined that group and completed my quilt top, I feel I have grown so much. My life has been enriched thoroughly with my rejuvenated love for quilting. I could ramble on and on why I love sewing...hmmm that is today's thoughts...tomorrow may be different. I am hoping I can't sleep tonight and wake up at six o'clock instead of sleeping in til eight as I did this morning. I love getting up and having my STASH (Special Treasures All Secretly Hidden) waiting for me!

Hugs to all who have reached this point in my 'ramblings of a quilter'. be continued...

Hugs. Take care.
Cheryl, (c:
PS. I did enjoy stitching this new block:

Tutorial can be found here...

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Happy PINK Saturday

Isn't it wonderful to have all these blogs to 'jog' my memory as today is Pink Saturday. As DH set a cup of coffee in front of me and asked me what I was doing today, I told him I am posting a PINK Saturday post. Alas, there are dozens of heavenly blogs out there! DH then asks me if I have anything PINK? Well, my patient, understanding and loving DH knows that my entire house would be all pink if he did not live here. So I grabbed my camera and captured this photo of just a portion of my angel collection....most of the angels are pink as you can see. I was trying to take a photo of just one of my pink angels, but then thought why not include all of them to share with you.

Happy Pink Saturday everyone!
PS. Please forgive me for the poor quality of this photo. I have a new camera but just have not read the instructions booklet yet to operate. And would you believe the camers is PINK!


The golden moments in the stream of life rush past us and we see nothing but sand; the angels come to visit us, and we only know them when they are gone. ~George Elliot

Friday, July 30, 2010

Star quilt blocks


Bless her heart. Bradie Sparrow is providing wonderful tutorials for a Summer Star Sampler Quilt Along. I am thoroughly enjoying making the blocks so far. I started using remnants of fabric from my stash and so far, I have not deviated to the LFS...yippee! I am busting my stash!

Moving right along with this summer project, here are Blocks 7 and 8 for the sampler. After we make the blocks, most of us members post our work with the Flickr Summer Star Sampler Group to be critiqued by other viewers. Do you have a minute or too for a peek?

I am running out of background fabric and may have to add another subtle white with black print. We are more than half complete the smaller blocks. Now do I challenge making the large intermediate block, the decision I will be making soon. I did encounter block 8 more complicated than the other star patterns, so hopefully I will be able to attempt that large middle block! This quilt along is wonderful fun!

Not only have I caught up with all projects...except for the Pinwheel Crazies next block, I even sewed three blocks of the Sister Star using my scraps only! Hopefully some my hoard of blue celestial patterns intended for my Millennium quilt will be used for this scrap quilt. My Buddie made one of these Sister Star quilts as a block lottery and I really LOVE it. Maybe just some of the quilts on my very long TO DO list have a chance after all. Tutorial to make these blocks soon.

In looking through my scraps for these star quilts, I just had to make another crazy quilting block...something for me to stitch while I enjoy the fresh air in my gazebo this weekend...between swatting those ever increasing swarms of mosquitoes...perhaps DH may just have to use our screen after all! I even did my share of picking those nasty weeds that seem to be growing faster than ever this year!


Sunday, July 25, 2010

BLUE MONDAY & Summer Quilt Along Projects

Sorry I am behind in my blogging. I have been sewing more than usual for summer sewing! A couple of the ladies in the Flickr tea group 'coaxed' me to participate in a Mystery Quilt featured by Planet Patchwork. Needless to say, my DH said "GO FOR IT ". SEW I did! And I am very Happy 2 Sew, as not only did I have a great time trying to keep up to the seven steps of sewing instructions posted within the first six hours of the mystery, I finished my top! However, this pattern was much more complicated than my first Planet Patchwork mystery as I did make an error with one of my fabric colors and had to do some ripping. However, I sat out in the gazebo with my puppy and even enjoyed the 'reverse stitching' as it gave me a chance to relax and marvel over the Joy of quilting! I think it is marvelous to be able to find all these wonderful online tutorials and projects virtually 'free' to participate in! I appreciate all the time and effort members sacrifice in sponsoring these sites! All in all, I had a great time and can barely wait for the next mystery quilt along featured on Planet Patchwork.

I finished sewing my quilt top in two days and am one of the fourteen members whose quilts are posted on Flickr.

I had also caught up with the other quilt along projects I joined, that is:

1. Bradie Sparrow's Summer Star Quilt Along

2. "pickles & bacon" Star Sampler Quilt Along.

If you want to particplate tutorials to the blocks are posted weekly on the website's sidebar.

You can view members blocks here: Flickr photos of p & b star sampler quilt along.

Hopefully I will be brave enough to actually machine quilt one of these tops!

Firstly, the four pink, black and white blocks for Bradie Sparrow's Summer Star Sampler Quilt Along are done and displayed above. I have always wanted to do a pink and black quilt from my stash, and when I found an inspiring pink and black remnant piece of fabric, I knew exactly how I was going to sew it immediately. Now I am finishing Block 5. Block 6 is done and coming next post later this week.

Secondly here is my finished "Merry Mayhem's Lucky Stars Mystery Quilt". Other entries can be seen here on Flickr:

Here is the link to the first mystery Quilt I made:

I now have approximately six completed quilt tops waiting to be quilted plus 3 WIP's...eeks, I had better get busy, hadn't I?

Thanks for dropping by my blog. I hope you visit again soon. Take care.
PS. If anyone is interested in joining these quilt alongs, it is never too late. All the blocks have wonderful online tutorials. I have tried to include most of the links to the great tutorials at the bottom of my Flickr photos.
PSS: I received a very touching comment re one of my earlier posts yesterday. Such a sweet lady, Anne Sutton from Bunny Hill Designs, I love your blog!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Summer Star Sampler Quilt Along 2010

Well, it has either been raining OR the weather has been too hot. I could not sleep last night because I had too many projects on my mind. Then our active little dog jumped up on our bed and lavishly starts licking my face. Yes, I don't know what it is about my horrid jungle mouth breath but Ms Marlee is so full of kisses in the mornings. And I am so happy to see her feeling better as we had her to the vet's a week ago and she had not been a happy puppy all last week. My heart ached to see my baby not feeling good. However, even puppies have 'health issues. (c:

After letting out the dog, I check she is napping in a chair in the gazebo while the air is still cool, I sit down and finish this block I had started last night. Why did I start another block? I dunno...perhaps I was caught up to the two other quilt along groups I had joined, so felt 'guilty' about all the fabric piled up on my kitchen table. I had purchased the black and hot pink polka dotted remnant for sixty cents and it was talking to me...of course PINK always talks to me IYKWIM.

It was overcast outside so no sun to enjoy or weeds to pick. I couldn't even go for a walk as DH is glued to the weather channel saying it is going to rain any minute. I sit back and sip my coffee...oops time for a refill. I did not feel 'guilty' about sewing at all as even DH was making great excuses for me!

What could I do besides sew? I could finish the custom order I have for Etsy, but that will only take a few hours. Or I could start reading another book. Or there are plenty of those four letter words that spell DUTY: IRON, DUST, WASH, COOK!

DH knows where I am 'working' he sets a steaming cup of coffee in front of me here as I type. Oh, ain't life grand? Rain all you want, Mr Weatherman because I would sooner SEW anyway!


Saturday, July 10, 2010


Blogs are so much fun and I have many blogs that I love to read. This may be one reason my housework is 'on hold' for today anyway. Of course, Hubby was still in bed, so I snuck into my computer room. I found an enchanting blog entry on Pam Kellogg's Kitty and Me blog this morning, plus she has a lovely GIVEAWAY.

Now I also see there is a PINK SATURDAY group where bloggers show and tell something this a delightful thought. I LOVE PINK and have lots of exciting items to tell you about. In fact, if I had my way probably everything in my house would be pink! Oh dear, my poor husband has to put up with silly me!

And my item for Pink Saturday is this block of cupcakes in a picnic basket I made for Anne Sutton's Project, "A Tisket A Tasket, 2009".

Have a wonderful day everyone.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

p&b star sampler quilt along

Yup, I started another quilt along...the fabrics were calling to me. (c:

THANK YOU Audrey for your wonderful tutorials and patterns!!
I was on holidays and had quilting withdrawl! Weather was too hot and raining, therefore I started another 'quilty' project! I am using blue and green remnant pieces and 'scraps' from my stash to do this great quilt along. Tutorial and free pattern for block 1 here:

AMAZING AND FUN block to make. Tutorial and free pattern for block 2 here:

Fun block...Tutorial and free pattern for block 3 here:

Fun block...thank you Audrey! Used the centre square fabric in my May TAT block. Tutorial and free pattern for block 4 here:

This was the simplest of the five patterns, however I made lots of booboos sewing it together, but it was fun to do! Tutorial and pattern for block 5 here:

Sunday, June 20, 2010

May's Teapot Block

It didn't take me long to once again relax and enjoy hand stitching this block for 2010 Tea and Coffee Related Quilt Along.

I had lucked upon a great treasure at a garage sale a few years ago, and just couldn't resist this ladies beautiful items, including an adorable teapot. The teapot shaped like a watering can was my source of inspiration for my May tea block, however I wanted the flowers IN the pot instead of ON the pot. Once I made the first flower, I allowed my creative juices to 'grow' the others blossoms! Alas, I still want to embroider more stems but I will add these in a bit.

I used three different techniques in creating my bouquet. The large middle flower is actually my version of petal play as I fused both sides of the petal pieces. The three pink flowers and the blue centre for the middle flower are yoyo flowers. The three dimensional effect is lost in taking the photo as it looks more 'real' in real life. I hope you enjoy my design.

Take care.



Count your garden by the flowers,
Never by the leaves that fall.
Count your days by garden hours,
Don't remember clouds at all.
Count your nights by stars, not shadows.
Count your years with smiles, not tears.
Count your blessing, not your troubles.
Count your age by friends, not by years.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Having a real "WHIRL" with my Pinwheel Quilt Along

Well, the weather here has been rainy so I have been having FUN, FUN, Fun working on my Pinwheel Quilt Along and have already completed 18 twelve inch blocks. I am SEW IN LOVE! with these pinwheels and keep finding new designs for my blocks without duplicating too many of the pinwheel patterns.

Here is a photo of my blocks 17 and 18...I hope to start adding the sashing this week, but am deciding whether I should use 3 inch pinwheel blocks for my setting blocks. I love admiring all the finished samples on Flickr here:

And because I am already going through 'quilt along' withdrawl, I just joined another Star Quilt Along! I can't wait!


Oh this is SEW much fun!

Happy Stitching Everyone!



Quilting is my passion...chocolate comes in a close second.

~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

....sorry I have not blogged for awhile...


I am sorry I have not forgotten you. My computer was in for service for two weeks, but my computer has been repaired...thankfully...Now I have no reason not to blog. Oh how much I missed you all, my computer and blogging friends!

However, now that summer is here, I have had time to spend outdoors working in my garden also, but my other 'winter' hobbies have not been too far away. It seems I can never sit still. I have finished several works in progress for 2010 as I was feeling quilty about starting something NEW, but with money from my birthday to spend, I also had a great reason to shop and spend it on guess what...yes, of course...more fabric! My puppy had first attention with a new hair cut, and more treats, but then when I had more money from another order for a custom made doll outfit, I had money to spend JUST ON ME!

I am sharing with you my last three projects:

1. crocheted flapper dress for a Blythe doll. This is the fourth custom order for the same client; she requested black with a 'flash' of HOT pink. I used a very ugly doll for my model therefore did not want to photo her face...aren't I mean?

2. completed mystery cross stitch picture.
I finished at last. I truly think this is the longest project I have completed as total time involved tallies up to more than three hundred hours of stitching! Can you believe it?

3. first four blocks for my Pinwheel Sampler Quilt Along

I found these excellent tutorials for these EIGHT pinwheel sampler blocks here:

But I am now able to enjoy all my efforts and not feel so guilty as I work on my new quilt! As ever I am 'forever stitching, but feel blessed and Happy2Sew!

Please feel free to see my other projects on Flickr.


"A day patched with quilting seldom unravels."