Sunday, July 25, 2010

BLUE MONDAY & Summer Quilt Along Projects

Sorry I am behind in my blogging. I have been sewing more than usual for summer sewing! A couple of the ladies in the Flickr tea group 'coaxed' me to participate in a Mystery Quilt featured by Planet Patchwork. Needless to say, my DH said "GO FOR IT ". SEW I did! And I am very Happy 2 Sew, as not only did I have a great time trying to keep up to the seven steps of sewing instructions posted within the first six hours of the mystery, I finished my top! However, this pattern was much more complicated than my first Planet Patchwork mystery as I did make an error with one of my fabric colors and had to do some ripping. However, I sat out in the gazebo with my puppy and even enjoyed the 'reverse stitching' as it gave me a chance to relax and marvel over the Joy of quilting! I think it is marvelous to be able to find all these wonderful online tutorials and projects virtually 'free' to participate in! I appreciate all the time and effort members sacrifice in sponsoring these sites! All in all, I had a great time and can barely wait for the next mystery quilt along featured on Planet Patchwork.

I finished sewing my quilt top in two days and am one of the fourteen members whose quilts are posted on Flickr.

I had also caught up with the other quilt along projects I joined, that is:

1. Bradie Sparrow's Summer Star Quilt Along

2. "pickles & bacon" Star Sampler Quilt Along.

If you want to particplate tutorials to the blocks are posted weekly on the website's sidebar.

You can view members blocks here: Flickr photos of p & b star sampler quilt along.

Hopefully I will be brave enough to actually machine quilt one of these tops!

Firstly, the four pink, black and white blocks for Bradie Sparrow's Summer Star Sampler Quilt Along are done and displayed above. I have always wanted to do a pink and black quilt from my stash, and when I found an inspiring pink and black remnant piece of fabric, I knew exactly how I was going to sew it immediately. Now I am finishing Block 5. Block 6 is done and coming next post later this week.

Secondly here is my finished "Merry Mayhem's Lucky Stars Mystery Quilt". Other entries can be seen here on Flickr:

Here is the link to the first mystery Quilt I made:

I now have approximately six completed quilt tops waiting to be quilted plus 3 WIP's...eeks, I had better get busy, hadn't I?

Thanks for dropping by my blog. I hope you visit again soon. Take care.
PS. If anyone is interested in joining these quilt alongs, it is never too late. All the blocks have wonderful online tutorials. I have tried to include most of the links to the great tutorials at the bottom of my Flickr photos.
PSS: I received a very touching comment re one of my earlier posts yesterday. Such a sweet lady, Anne Sutton from Bunny Hill Designs, I love your blog!


  1. Love the fabrics you are using for Bradie's Summer star sampler. Very pretty.

  2. You have been busy! What a bunch of lovely projects. :-)
