Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Summer Star Sampler Quilt Along 2010

Well, it has either been raining OR the weather has been too hot. I could not sleep last night because I had too many projects on my mind. Then our active little dog jumped up on our bed and lavishly starts licking my face. Yes, I don't know what it is about my horrid jungle mouth breath but Ms Marlee is so full of kisses in the mornings. And I am so happy to see her feeling better as we had her to the vet's a week ago and she had not been a happy puppy all last week. My heart ached to see my baby not feeling good. However, even puppies have 'health issues. (c:

After letting out the dog, I check she is napping in a chair in the gazebo while the air is still cool, I sit down and finish this block I had started last night. Why did I start another block? I dunno...perhaps I was caught up to the two other quilt along groups I had joined, so felt 'guilty' about all the fabric piled up on my kitchen table. I had purchased the black and hot pink polka dotted remnant for sixty cents and it was talking to me...of course PINK always talks to me IYKWIM.

It was overcast outside so no sun to enjoy or weeds to pick. I couldn't even go for a walk as DH is glued to the weather channel saying it is going to rain any minute. I sit back and sip my coffee...oops time for a refill. I did not feel 'guilty' about sewing at all as even DH was making great excuses for me!

What could I do besides sew? I could finish the custom order I have for Etsy, but that will only take a few hours. Or I could start reading another book. Or there are plenty of those four letter words that spell DUTY: IRON, DUST, WASH, COOK!

DH knows where I am 'working'...as he sets a steaming cup of coffee in front of me here as I type. Oh, ain't life grand? Rain all you want, Mr Weatherman because I would sooner SEW anyway!


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