Monday, January 25, 2010

Tea Block


I promised myself one of my resolutions for the New Year was to 'simplify' my life style. Is it working? I still see myself signing up for classes, volunteering for another club, starting new projects, and scurrying around town always looking for more to purchase. I never seem to have enough, however I seem to thrive on keeping busy.

Then the weather changes. A snow storm bombards our city and the roads became treacherous. I had planned to walk to the mall, however it would have been difficult straddling those ruts. Oh goodie, I said to myself as I spread out my project on the kitchen table, grabbed a cup of coffee, and settled comfortably into my chair. I stitch! My husband was reading the newspaper and seemed to be content. I wanted to see how much I could accomplish with my new block.

I was rather excited about the design. I used a teapot pattern from Kay Mckenzie's book "Teapots 2 to Appliqué", then designed embroidered flowers in the teapot. A little bird is hand appliqued above the bouquet, hopefully conveying 'JOY' as it helped me stitch the flowers.

I had contemplated my venturing to the LQS, however decided I had too many projects in progress, therefore planned to remain comfortable in my home. I wanted to complete this block and then I would not feel so guilty if I started another project, or would I? I haven't even thouight about the "Beaded Journal Project" I had signed up for in the fall of 2009! Gerry already has several lovely birds all beaded. I will be checking her site shortly; I really love her blog and find her work SEW inspiring and 'bead' dazzled...this is my new word for my new venture, beading!

I smiled to myself and felt so good doing my favorite thing! Besides my husband decided to stay home to watch his favorite sport on television, curling playoffs. A team from our city is competing against the Kevin Martin team for the upcoming Olympics.

I love when my husband and I can spend a day together! He has the greatest ideas for snacks...hmmm, I thought I was going to start my diet today! Both of us are retired but it is amazing how busy we both always seem to be. I am honored he decides to stay home as he has an attitude that we should both be able to do as we please now that we are retired. I have tons of hobbies which I can do. His hobby usually takes him outside as he prefers outdoor exercise and loves to walk. Goodie, I say to myself, the free time he leaves me with provides a wonderful opportunity to pull out my sewing. Who wants to do housework anyways?

I listen to the wind howling fact this howling woke me up...and it is only 5:30 in the morning. We slept in! Oh goodie, Block number two is done, now what to do next? Isn't life grand...LG as my husband would say!

Have a wonderful day everyone!

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