How do you like my blog's 'new' look? And I made all the changes for 'free' thanks to the help of Google search engines and all the wonderful computer literate bloggers who offered such a variety of blog backgrounds. I hope the link to the site I selected will display as I noted earlier. Link can be found in top left corner of my blog or here:
I tried MANY different background designs, however chose this one for now as I love the Victorian 'sewing' related images and of course the cherubs for my header. Of course the header was the easiest part!
I customized my blog background several times once I read the helpful tutorial which explained the process very simply. Even DH seemed to like the changes I have made. Sometimes it pays to read the instructions! To be honest these tutorials and 'help' menus are most educational for my 'cyberspace' existence...thank you everyone for being so helpful. I really appreciate one's time involved.
I did sew today and hope to post my three projects tomorrow or soon. 'Playing' with this computer was a wonderful diverson to sewing as my neck was too sore.
Now I need a complete new hairdo or makeover and am phoning my hair dresser for a hair cut first thing tomorrow.
"There is nothing wrong with me that a little chocolate won't cure." - seen somewhere on Flickr.