Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Geese in the Cabin WIP

Sorry I forgot to upload the photo I mentioned in my last post. However, my photo does not display 'geese' formation adequately. The top is quite nice and I am quite pleased to have accomplished this much on a WISP. When the sun shines, I may photo the complete top outside in more adequate lighting to give one a better idea of my for the border and quilting.
Any suggestions for border would be appreciated...Have a nice day everyone.
Stay tuned.

One craft project, like one cookie, is never enough!

1 comment:

  1. This is going to be a wonderful quilt...I think you'll get suggestions for the border when you show more of it...I love the colors!!!! Thanks so much for your lovely comment on my blog this a.m. I am always happy when I can make my readers happy too!!!! Have a great week!!!!!!! Pat
