Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Geese in the Cabin WIP

Sorry I forgot to upload the photo I mentioned in my last post. However, my photo does not display 'geese' formation adequately. The top is quite nice and I am quite pleased to have accomplished this much on a WISP. When the sun shines, I may photo the complete top outside in more adequate lighting to give one a better idea of my for the border and quilting.
Any suggestions for border would be appreciated...Have a nice day everyone.
Stay tuned.

One craft project, like one cookie, is never enough!

Monday, May 25, 2009

Will the rain ever stop?

Just wondering what to blog about and feel rather blue this morning as it is raining again after such a beautiful sunny day yesterday! I also wish the hydrangea plant I purchased locally would bloom like this photo I captured in the conservatory, safe from the stress of our harsh Canadian winters...and springs. I realize we all need rain at this time of year for flowers and garden to fluorish, however we have had enough already and I especially feel sorry for those poor farmers who patiently survived our recent flood and are eager to plant their crops. I sincerely hope it is not too late! Some places even had frost just a few days ago. Mother nature is dealing us another very late summer and we have waited so long.

On rainy days like this I QUILT. I did assemble some 25 blocks from a Log Cabin seminar I enrolled in several years ago. I had lost the original pattern however recently found 'Geese in the Cabin' pattern in one of my quilting books. After a couple of satisfying sewing days last week, much hesitation and procrastination, one WIP is almost done. Now for the border. Any feedback, suggestions would be most helpful as the border I choose will make a such a difference and I do not want to put this WIP back in the drawer. It would be wonderful to complete one quilt in 2009!


"A day patched with quilting seldom unravels."
'Happy Stitching' to all my blogger friends out there wherever you may be visiting.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Flowers For My Basket!

My lovely nieces gave me these Azaleas for my birthday.
Aren't they beautiful?
...and this is what I have been stitching instead of working in my garden. It has rained here for two days, now it is SNOWING this morning.

While Mr Weatherman was playing tricks on us, I completed the May Block - "A Tisket A Tasket" free block of the month posted on the Bunny Hill site. Now I have too long a wait for the June block to be released June 5th. THANK YOU Anne for this wonderful project. I think I will be shopping in your store to do more of these fun blocks.
If you CLICK on the photo, I inserted a hyperlink which should open another window enabling you to view the other blocks posted on Flickr. The other two hundred plus members all have different quilting styles and it is amazing to see how different fabrics and colors are assembled.

I tired something different to bring out the blues in my January and February blocks.

Happy Mother's Day!

No Love like a Mother's Love

There is no love, like a mother's love,

no stronger bond on earth the precious bond that comes from God,

to a mother, when she gives birth.

A mother's love is forever strong,

never changing for all time

...and when her children need her most,

a mother's love will shine.

God bless these special mothers,

God bless them every one

...for all the tears and heartache,

and for the special work they've done.

When her days on earth are over,

a mother's love lives on

...through many generations,

with God's blessings on each one.

Be thankful for our mothers,

for they love with a higher love

...from the power God has given,

and the strength from up above.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Progress on Garden Mystery Stitch-a-long

Stitching is not completed, however top motif of part four showing how I used blue floss instead of yellow colors for butterfly and large flowers. I have never been fond of yellow. I changed this design significantly....sorry Pam.

The 'original' pattern can be purchased