Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Checking My Favorite Blog Sites Inspires Me!

I began this blog mainly after being inspired by other bloggers who share my love for needlework...and was I inspired this morning. I also find my blog entries seem to keep me focused on my creative work.
Each morning I usually anticipate checking some of my FAVORITE BLOG SITES and Jo from New Zealand had an awesome link to Crazy Quilters International group. Please check out the talented work this group displayed by clicking this link:
Amazing work by the talented girls in this group! Wow, I have this new idea running through my head using black fabrics. I have to attend another group today, but please stay tuned as I am hoping to sew up some of my 'black' blocks shortly. I find the stitching and embellishments are striking on this rich and brilliant. I only wish I had the talent these ladies have...what a challenge this hobby creates!

Above all, challenge yourself. You may well surprise yourself at what strengths you have, what you can accomplish. --Cecile M. Springer

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