Thursday, February 26, 2009

There is no medicine like HOPE

Yesterday, browsing the local thrift store, I was anticipating what 'treasure' I would find. Then I saw a jar of old buttons. As I rotated the jar , I noted the buttons were all different colors, sizes and styles. Although I had absolutely no 'concrete' idea what I would do with them, I had to have them. Paying only $0.25, I proudly carried my purchase home. I was thinking how expensive buttons are in our modern department stores. Along with the buttons I had found little pieces of fabric, laces, and an old tablecloth waiting to be embroidered. I was in heaven!

If only these antique findings and buttons could tell us their stories, I said to myself. It was true, by themselves the buttons might have been insignificant to the person who donated them to the thrift store, but together they were manifesting my 'next' masterpiece. Yes, perhaps some of these buttons will be suitable for my next Button Block! You see, I have been eagerly following Pam Kellogg's blog posts and the progress of her Button Quilt. Pam's work is amazing! Click here to see all her thirty some blocks:

Each morning, I visit Pam's blog to inspire me. After seeing her beautiful accomplishments, I ponder what new project I am going to start. Then I look at the different WIP's gathering around my house, and resort to completing the crocheted project I have already started. Crocheting is very convenient to work on while my favorite show is on television.

I also eagerly anticipate my mystery stitch along which is starting March 5th. As I admire my last year's work, I eagerly anticipate this new mystery. And guess whose blog site I saw this beautiful invitation? Yes, I love Pam's designs and signed up already! You can see the design here:

I sincerely hope these stitching projects will help me relax. As I create my projects, I renew my connection with God and nurture my relationships with others. I reflect projects I've completed, things that can bring beauty and love. And I am thankful to God for blessing me with my 'eagle' eyesight, hands and patience to create. It is amazing how completing a project elates me!

Yesterday I spent some time with a friend of mine and would I be 'dating' myself to mention we went to school together back in the 60's? Then, last week, I finished a letter to my penpal in Australia and thought back to our first letters we exchanged when we were only in elementary school. My Aussie friend visited Canada in 1999 as we celebrated our fiftieth birthdays together. Writing the 'snail' mail letter brought back many childhood memories.

Oh those childhooh days! Reflections of 'hope' as tiny crocuses poke their beautiful little purple buds through the melting prairie snow! Yes, spring is coming and as I watch the temperature gauge still lurking down in the minus digits, I anticipate the warm days of spring and summer so very much. As I stitch my next project, I will be counting the days!

Here is a quotation from my colection to ponder:

"There is no medicine like hope,

no incentive so great, and no tonic

so powerful as expectation of something better tomorrow."

-- Orison Swett Marden

- seen on a chiropractor's marquee

I think we all need the reassuance of HOPE and better days to come!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day - think Hearts and Roses

Happy Valentine's Day Everyone.

Some say Valentine's Day is just for lovers,

however I feel if you have LOVE in your HEART

then Valentine's Day is for Everyone Everyday!

May you all have Love in Your Heart Today and Always!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Etsy Thread Artists Giveaway

Etsy Thread Artists Etsy is having a team give away, easy to enter and to win. Visit their blog for complete details.

I am very impressed by the beautiful work, especially one of my favorite items, her Shabby Pink Cottage Roses Lace Doily Irish Rose is offering as a 'giveaway' here:
All her work is beautiful!
Enjoy your visit to her shop.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Checking My Favorite Blog Sites Inspires Me!

I began this blog mainly after being inspired by other bloggers who share my love for needlework...and was I inspired this morning. I also find my blog entries seem to keep me focused on my creative work.
Each morning I usually anticipate checking some of my FAVORITE BLOG SITES and Jo from New Zealand had an awesome link to Crazy Quilters International group. Please check out the talented work this group displayed by clicking this link:
Amazing work by the talented girls in this group! Wow, I have this new idea running through my head using black fabrics. I have to attend another group today, but please stay tuned as I am hoping to sew up some of my 'black' blocks shortly. I find the stitching and embellishments are striking on this rich and brilliant. I only wish I had the talent these ladies have...what a challenge this hobby creates!

Above all, challenge yourself. You may well surprise yourself at what strengths you have, what you can accomplish. --Cecile M. Springer

Monday, February 2, 2009


...and here is my cute little robin framed. The picture looks much better in person as the flash from the camera interfers with the detail. Mauve is not my favorite color, although mauve is spring-like, I was very pleased how the green mat accents the green stitches.
2008 was a great year for me for 'completing' projects. If only to be as productive this year. Therefore to keep my stress level lower, I will try to concentrate on 'slowing down'. As my friend says I must simplify my life.
My 93 year old father passed away last year while I was stitching this picture. He did love the robin so much, that I will think of him every time I see a robin or hear one sing. I miss my father very much.
As Emily Dickinson quotes in her poems:
"Not In Vain
If I can stop one heart from breaking,
I shall not live in vain;
If I can ease one life the aching,
Or cool one pain,
Or help one fainting robin
Unto his nest again,
I shall not live in vain."
(American Poet who has been called the New England mystic, 1830-1886)
available here:


A year ago I was busy doing cross stitch in a fun Mystery Valentine Stitch Along project (SAL) with Pam Kellogg and I must admit I really miss it. I completed the Valentine project shortly after Valentine's Day and have my lovely roses and heart picture framed. Then I also joined Pam's Mystery Spring SAL of a cute little robin sitting prettily in a nest of flowers. Please check out Pam's Etsy site as I see she has both mystery cross stitch patterns featured:
Pattern designed for "FIRST ROBIN OF SPRING Counted Cross Stitch by Pam Kellogg is available on Pam's Etsy site 4475
and you can see my WIP at Flikr here:

A bird in a nest always makes me think of spring and oh how the cold temperature (minus 25 Celsius this morning) makes me yearn for Spring to come early. I really do not like winter at all even though I have all these wonderful hobbies that keep me working. I have been sewing quilt blocks lately but i feel a need to start hand work again.