Monday, September 15, 2008

Butterfly stay with me....

Happiness is a butterfly, which when pursued, is always just beyond your grasp, but which, if you will sit down quietly, may alight upon you. ~Nathaniel Hawthorne
When this butterfly visited my garden, I felt as though God reached down from heaven and 'touched' me. The butterfly even waited for me while I rushed into the house to retrieve my camera...I was also able to take several photos of this awesome insect. It seemed like the butterfly wanted to relate it's 'patience' with me.
Seeing this gentle insect flutter from flower to flower reminded me of a very sad story a lady I met in the store told me. The lady had lost her daughter, however had felt a similar feeling when a butterfly flew into her sun room shortly after her daughter's passing. Now a year later, the lady was telling me how close she felt to her daughter when the butterfly was near. Now the lady was buying some butterflies made out of feathers to give to her lady friends.
I also recall another day when a butterfly landed on a plant. I was feeling particularly SAD that day. However seeing that beautiful butterfly alight gently on the plant in front of me brought me a certain 'stillness' or feeling of peace. As though God was indeed telling me to cheer up. Has anyone else experienced such a surreal 'visit'?

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