Saturday, August 28, 2010


It is Back to School time and I am posting this adorable pink puppy block I hand appliqued for my "A Tisket a Tasket Quilt".  I am very excited about this quilt as it is all quilted and I will post photos of finished quilt shortly.  I do have to add embellishments though as I did have several added beads, buttons and bows I removed before i sent to the quilter.  Perhaps I will have my quilt completed by next Saturday.  Please check back soon.


You must check out this MIRACLE VIDEO! It made my day.

Here is the Miracle Video.

After you view this video you may want to check the other Pink Saturday blogs featured there.

Have a wonderful day!

Sunday, August 22, 2010



I thought about posting for Pink Saturday but ended up helping Mom move into her new condo. But I have a photo of my pink lilies to share.

HAVE A WONDERFUL DAY EVERYONE. We will see you soon!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Pink Spider Roses for Pink Saturday

Today for Pink Saturday I am showing you these Spider Web silk ribbon embroidered roses (also known as the woven rose). This is the first item I embroidered using silk ribbon. It is such an easy technique. I also found a technique using perle cotton instead of silk ribbon for an entirely different look. I used these roses on a pin cushion.

Here is an excellent tutorial for you on making these quick and easy roses that make beautiful embellishments:



"As lovely as soft bits of fragile crinkled silk,
These rosy blossoms, clustered thick
Upon the heavy drooping boughs,
When shaken by a summer wind,
Drop down in swirling showers,
And drift awhile about the ground;
Then gathered into frothy heaps beneath the hedge,
They spread a frill of rosy lace around the green lawns edge."

~ Leda Clements, Crape Myrtle


Tuesday, August 10, 2010

My Love to Hand Applique

I never thought I would be sewing in the summer, especially machine sewing. However, if you are like me, I am wondering if all these hot flushes are due to the temperature or is it just me? Last summer I enjoyed both the weather and the outdoors atmosphere while I passionately stitched my different hand projects, however, recent temperatures have been in the three digits! I am not complaining as I would sooner be comfortably sewing in my air conditioned home than pulling weeds anyway!

Well, I never thought I would see the day, but would you believe the weather yesterday was even too hot for my DH, so I did not feel "guilty" when I resumed sewing my scrappy blocks for my Sister's Star project. I also sewed another block for the terrific Summer Star Quilt Along. What fun doing these free online quilt alongs! Bradie Sparrow who generously writes up the Summer Star tutorials is excellent in her photos and instructions! Thank you kindly Bradie. Yahoo!

2009 was a terrific year for renewing my love for hand work in completing my favorite project, A Tisket A Tasket quilt. Who couldn`t help but LOVE the wonderful patterns offered generously by Anne Sutton from Bunny Hill Designs. What a terrific and talented quilter and person! And I also love Anne`s blogs!
I always admire subjects other bloggers choose and today was quite a chore for me. However, I decided to post my latest hand applique block, my sixth block for the Flickr 2010 Tea and Coffee Related Quilt Along group. In designing my block, I had an idea to add a bird to this block as I did my first and second blocks, however I will have to think on this one. Because I enjoy adding embellishments to my work, this block is intended to be a wall hanging quilt. I plan to make four different season groupings, so please check back and I may have some further ideas in progress. My mind is always meditating different plans. In the meantime, I just enjoy the mood my sewing creates! I certainly find I am more productive behind my sewing machine or needle than my TV set. I also used to be an avid golfer, but I cannot imagine how distressing I would find this heat! Perhaps I am just getting too old!!!
Have a nice day everyone!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

ramblings of a quilter and Thank you to my new blog followers

Firstly, a BIG thank you to all my blog followers. Just want you to know I really appreciate you and am so happy to be 'growing'. I sincerely hope you visit my blog often. And I hope I will be able to have some interesting posts for you all.

I have read so many great blog posts lately. I literally had tears in my eyes reading one of the sad stories quilters share. I am going to first warn you that I feel I do better at sewing than writing. Oh I received high marks in school and passed grammar, however I feel writing is a gift which I don't have now...perhaps I would sooner to stitching!!!! I also used to love writing poetry, then discovered I now need to be inspired in order to have the words flow. There are many talented quilters who have more than one gift, that is they can write and excel at more than one activity!

Please hop over to read Ann Champion's thought provoking blog post to see her newly completed and awesome String Quilt. Ann, I envy you as you had over 47 comments in response to your story. And you had me in tears also as you shared your story with us. I hope your health issues will soon be remedied.

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Some of you may know I also love using quotations in my blogging. I love this one for today:

"Quilts are memories patched together with love."

Quilters always seem to think alike, and stick together, don't we? When Ann shared her reasons for her passion of quilting, I felt I could relate to her reasons she quilts quite closely. Ann's blog really made me think. I was asking myself many questions, such as:

Q: Why do I love quilting?

Hmm...I find myself responding differently to this topic daily, depending on the way life is going! Sometimes I keep saying, I would sooner be golfing as I always dreamed that I would golf with my husband when I retired. However a health issue has intervened, and I no longer golf. Now I consider golfing is rather an expensive, no productive sport. Most days now I can hardly wait for my hubby to leave on his bike, so I can sew! Alas, he now does not feel up to cycling as regularly as he has a bad knee. I usually love to sit out in the gazebo and stitch however, this summer has not been weather friendly, that is too hot or raining. And it is ever so peaceful having your DH sitting next to you...contently reading his book.

Q: What do you enjoy about your hobby?

Q: Why in the world did I end up doing this?
I stitch and I ponder all these questions that come to mind. I become immersed in my hobby thoroughly. If I am not selecting colors or fabrics, I am tweaking those seams to improve my seam joins! When I am finished a certain project it is so rewarding to be able to see my completed work! (Well sometimes, I feel my work has the "I MADE IT" label, so it is tossed into the G...for garbage file or remember the 'don't give up, try again" phrase ). However, I think about the one Flickr member who shared her work on Flickr...thank you for posting that picture of your awesome work as you sincerely have motivated me to try sewing again!

Q: Do you even have time to perform your hobbies?
Perhaps the majority of you work and have no spare time for such activities. My mom always told me crafts and hobbies were for old women, but I guess I am an almost-old woman. I am so thankful to Mom for encouraging us sisters to attend 4-H when we were only in elementary school. I was raised in the country without home economic classes, therefore learned to sew, knit, crochet etc at 4-H. Thank you mom for all your encouragement along the way as I am able to enjoy doing all these projects today as I grow older and more wrinkly. hey, I wish I could iron out some of my wrinkles as I press out the fabric. Sewing is the only time my iron and ironing board is used! Oh, those four letter words are really abused neglected in my home: IRON, DUST, COOK and WASH!

My quilting also helped survive some family issues this past winter. I really felt I was at one of my lowest points in my life. For days I didn't do anything except sleep and cry so my puppy couldlick my tears, thus making me feel better. When i started to come out of this valley, and actually felt like doing something again, I don't know what I would have done if I couldn't sew!

I love to hand applique and seeing the first A Tisket A Tasket block on Flickr was my source of inspiration. Since I joined that group and completed my quilt top, I feel I have grown so much. My life has been enriched thoroughly with my rejuvenated love for quilting. I could ramble on and on why I love sewing...hmmm that is today's thoughts...tomorrow may be different. I am hoping I can't sleep tonight and wake up at six o'clock instead of sleeping in til eight as I did this morning. I love getting up and having my STASH (Special Treasures All Secretly Hidden) waiting for me!

Hugs to all who have reached this point in my 'ramblings of a quilter'. be continued...

Hugs. Take care.
Cheryl, (c:
PS. I did enjoy stitching this new block:

Tutorial can be found here...