Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Spring Quilt Show

Being a lover of all kinds of dolls, I thought this cloth dolls was very cute with her garters and vintage purse made from hankie.
I loved the pastel fabrics in this wall hanging and took a close up,

Look carefully....this wall hanging is composed of "circlular quarters' and repositined. I loved the ladybug!
More photos to come later...

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

April's Block

After twelve days with the dreaded flu bug, I finally started the April block. It took me a long time to start as my fabrics were all from my age-old stash and I had only this one 'wittle' piece of brown for the chocolate bunny, but he is finished. I vowed I was not going out to purchase more fabric for this project. I loved doing this one.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

My TIPS and LINK to Great Hand Applique Video

I would like to suggest 'hand' applique video I viewed on hand applique. I used this method to make my "A Tisket a Tasket' Bunny Hill Blocks. In fact the bunny block was the first time I ever hand appliqued. I had completed minor applique on a quilt over 25 years ago, but never used this great method until now. Please view this video for some helpful instructions:


Helpful hint:

1. I printed the pattern directly onto the dull side of freezer paper and it saved tracing, and reversing image! Before printing, I trimmed my freezer paper and taped top edge to a regular sheet of paper.

2. Cut out pieces, leaving approximately 1/4 inch around the edge of pattern for turning under. This 1/4 inch does not have to be exact. I turned fabric under with my thumb, then stitched as video demonstrates.

3. Cut out pattern pieces, press freezer paper pieces to the "right' side of fabric (contrary to other popular methods).

4. Iron two pieces of freezer paper together to make a firmer template.

Hope you understand these tips...as this method worked great for me. I made all three blocks up within two weeks, so you can do it too. These blocks are 'sew' much fun!

5. The only pressing I did beforehand were the tips on the star points, etc.

TIP: To make nice circle for the snowman's head, I cut the pattern out of cardboard and then hand gathered 1/4 inch seam.