Sunday, March 30, 2008

...almost finished Robin of Spring SAL..."tweet"?

...almost finished, but my stitching frame cuts off some of my work...sorry
I think I would have completed already but did hardly any stitching last week with Easter company, etc.

The outside stitching is adding a beautiful touch, I think, and I am pleased I did continue with parts two, three and four. I was debating to end after just the robin, but weather here was just right for stitching.

...hope to see some of these pretty 'real' robins soon but it has been snowing and cold in me more time to

HaPpY SpRiNg EvErYoNe!
"Spring shows what God can do with a drab and dirty world."-- Virgil A. Kraft
"Spring is when you feel like whistling even with a shoe full of slush."-- Doug Larson

Sunday, March 23, 2008

The Gift of Easter

The Gift Of Easter

Easter is the gift of HOPE

Easter is the gift of PEACE

Easter is the gift of LOVE

Let us rejoice in Him,

Who gives them all.
May God bless you at Easter,

And keep you all year through.

May God give you all the faith it takes,

To make your dreams come true.

May His love and wisdom always help,

To guide you on your way.

May His light shine down upon you now,

To bless your Easter Day.

May your Easter be filled with Hope, Peace, and Love.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Robin Stitch Along Almost Completed

I am almost finished the third flower of Part Three, but still have lots of backstitching. Hopefully I will be finished shortly but have a special 80th birthday dinner and company coming for Easter.
Happy Easter Everyone.

Sunday, March 9, 2008


Beautiful isn't it! This is the March giveaway Jo posted on her blog. I was delighted to have been selected as the winner as I have admired Jo's embroidery and work very much. Her blog is one of my favorites and I check her site frequently. I will be delighted to own a sample of her work which is great inspiration to me.

Jo has perfected lots of fun stitches in this postcard including her beautiful bullion roses and Drizzle stitch on the fan. I recall how frustrated I was doing this bullion stitch for the first time back in August 2007 when I registered for my first Crazy Patch Class. But I LOVED the work and still recall how I redid my entire first block because the lace border I had inserted on my second seam was upside down. Why does perfection haunt me so?
Amazingly I found a great online Bullion Stitch Video Tutorial which was very helpful. What would I ever do without all the wonderful friends and advice I find online. I appreciate all you bloggers so very much.

Thank you to all of you for making my day!


"Spring would not be spring without bird songs."
-- Francis M. Chapman

Saturday, March 8, 2008

The Legend Of The First Robin

I am pleased to have completed Part One of the "The First Robin Of Spring Mystery" Stitch Along except for the bud and backstitching. I was hesitant to proceed further than Part One however when Pam posted Part Two March 8th, I just had to stitch along. The weather is too cold outside and it will be something to stitch watching curling.
I thought I would insert the following story re significant meaning of the robin to me.
"The Legend Of The First Robin"
One day, long ago, a little bird in Jerusalem saw a large crowd gathered around a Man carrying a heavy wooden cross.

On the Man's head was a crown made from a thorn branch.
The thorns were long and sharp.

The little bird saw that the thorns were hurting the Man.

It wanted to help Him, so it flew down and took the longest, sharpest thorn in its tiny beak.

The bird tugged and pulled until the thorn snapped from the branch. Then a strange thing happened.

A drop of blood fell onto the bird's breast, staining it bright red.

The stain never went away.

And so today the robin proudly wears a red breast,
because it helped a Man named Jesus.
- Unknown

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

I completed this outfit Sunday night (between cross stitching and quilt I really enjoyed designing and making the accessories, using some jewelry from last summer's garage sale finds and pieces of chain remaining from another set. I made up the pattern for the hat as the dress pattern did not include a hat, but I decided this outfit will be perfect for those bright summer afternoon outings.It feels so GOOD to complete another WIP. Finding crocheting a very relaxing hobby, I enjoyed working on this dress while I watched curling on TV. This dress is Number 28 of the dresses I have made. Would you believe I also have purchased 29 similar dolls from a friend of mine! Then my other friend said I should start making my own and I have been hooked (pun) ever since! The last doll I complete is usually my favorite, so I will keep this for awhile before I decide to part with her. Now I have a black and pink gown in the works and have a black haired My Scene doll in mind to dress. I never rest, however I am very thankful for my eyesight and patience. (C:

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

My Second Seam Treatment Waiting for Embellishment

I loved the appearance of this fan stitch on Pamela's Band Sampler! And it was fun to stitch. However I now realize printed fabrics do not work too well in CP. I also used Perle cotton, now realizing embroidery floss may have given a nicer effect, but once I add my beads, this treatment will look better. I can hardly wait to complete this crazy patch but am concentrating work on Part One of Pamela's Mystery SAL. I seem to be much slower stitching than the other participants, but I promised myself to concentrate on completing each 'new' project I start this year.

My favorite quote for today:

"Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies."-- Mother Teresa